
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席

I don’t ever remember a time during which I’ve been more concerned about the future of our country.

之前 the COVID-19 pandemic and social unrest eclipsed 外围十大菠菜app的生活 and dominated our news outlets and social media channels, I spoke often of my concern about the epidemic of leadership malpractice prevalent throughout our society and the effect it is having in every aspect of 外围十大菠菜app的生活.

现在,外围十大菠菜app发现外围十大菠菜app的国家正处于 discourse more toxic and divisive than I’ve ever witnessed and it is contributing to levels of conflict, anxiety and stress that have become 不可持续的.


最后的 week, my friend 比尔 Ury, sharing similar concerns, called me to explore how to heal the brokenness of the current environment. 比尔 is the co-founder of Harvard’s Program on Negotiation and co-author of the international bestseller “Getting to Yes.” He is one of the world’s foremost experts on conflict resolution and has spent almost 30 years helping opponents in tough negotiations 找到共同点. 比尔参观了巴里-韦赫米勒来体验真正的生活 人类的领导. 

外围十大菠菜app的交流中,我分享了我的观点:什么时候 88% of the people who have jobs feel like they work for an organization 这并不关心他们,他们没有感到被重视. 他们觉得自己被利用了 为了别人的利益. 在商界,在政界,在外围十大菠菜app的社区 and communities, so often, people are not treated with the dignity and 他们应得的尊重. 反过来,对那些没有感觉的人来说也很困难 关心关心别人.

How do we solve this epidemic of anguish our society is experiencing?

比尔 我都同意,一切从倾听开始. 真正的移情倾听, where one actually hears the other person’s words and feelings. A listening that builds empathy, as it allows us to see things from others' 视角. 正如它所显示的,这是所有有意义的关系的关键 你尊重和关心你正在倾听的人.

几个 years ago, when 比尔 visited Barry-Wehmiller, he saw firsthand how the course we teach on empathetic listening was having a profoundly positive impact both inside our company and on our team members’ personal lives. 的 course has proven so powerful that we are now bringing it to communities and outside organizations through the nonprofit my wife 辛西娅和我创立了, 外围十大菠菜app的社区倾听,通过 查普曼 & Co. 领导学院外围十大菠菜app的领导力咨询公司.

At 当时,比尔称其为“世界和平的答案”.“他看到了一个公司 试图将关怀作为一种组织实践来促进. 他和我 spoke the other day, we know it’s the antidote to the epidemic of 外围十大菠菜app的国家正处于痛苦之中.

外围十大菠菜app谈话的第二天早上,比尔分享了一份 《正规博十大app排名》托马斯·弗里德曼的社论 that elegantly captures the essence of the message we have been sharing with the world:

羞辱, 在我看来,是最被低估的政治力量 国际关系. 尊严的匮乏解释了更多 行为比金钱贫穷. 人会吸收困苦、饥饿 和痛苦. 他们会感激工作、汽车和福利. 但是如果你 make people feel humiliated, they will respond with a ferocity unlike 任何其他情感,还是拒绝为你动一根手指头. 正如纳尔逊 Mandela once observed, ‘的re is nobody more dangerous than one who has 被羞辱.'

相比之下,如果你展示 people respect, if you affirm their dignity, it is amazing what they 你要对他们说,要问他们吗. 有时只需要 listening to them, but deep listening — not just waiting for them to 停止说话. 因为倾听是尊重的终极表现. 什么 你说当你听的时候比任何言语都更有说服力.

正如我的朋友托尼·施瓦茨(Tony Schwartz)曾经说过的那样,关心就是治愈. 外围十大菠菜app怎么关心? 通过倾听.

和 卡罗尔·布鲁斯(Carol Bruess. 诺伯特大学最近告诉我,“很深 listening is the antidote to, and the antithesis of, humiliation.”

I don’t believe these problems in our country can be solved by the 政府. 政府不能强制要求同情的倾听或关心. It’s a much deeper, complex problem that isn’t about legislation; it’s 关于外围十大菠菜app的方式 经验 彼此. 正如我两年前写的,外围十大菠菜app需要的是 人类的革命 在外围十大菠菜app的国家和世界:

的 Industrial Revolution was never about allowing people to express their 礼物完全. 这是关于价值创造. 这个假设很好 paying and steady jobs with benefits raised the standard of living and 会创造幸福的基础吗.

这是 the piece business has missed and that’s the piece we’ve found on our Barry-Wehmiller的旅程. 人是有能力做惊人的事情的 if we just give them the environment in which they can discover, 发展、分享并欣赏他们的天赋.

的 Human Revolution is about organizational leadership reconnecting with their own humanity and recognizing the humanity of those they lead. Recognizing that the people within their span of care are not numbers on a spreadsheet that are part of the calculations that equal profit and loss, but someone’s precious children and should be treated accordingly. Recognizing that the people within their span of care are not just functions, but whole beings who are capable of so much more than the 他们被划分的角色.

外围十大菠菜app治疗 people with respect and dignity and create opportunities through which they can realize their potential and be appreciated for it is how we, in 可以修复破碎的美国梦.

We can balance economic value with human value, where everyone benefits.

As we reflect on the growing anxiety, depression and cultural unrest in our country, we must quickly become united in purpose by looking beyond 外围十大菠菜app的差异让外围十大菠菜app看到每一个宝贵生命中的美. 善解人意 倾听可以让外围十大菠菜app看到外围十大菠菜app的共同点.

Another New York Times article by Kate Murphy from earlier this year also captured the value of listening:

当 你上次听别人说话是什么时候? 真正地倾听,没有 thinking about what you wanted to say next, glancing down at your phone 或者主动提出你的意见? 上次有人 真的很听你的? 那么专心听你说话,然后 谁的回答是如此准确,让你觉得真正理解?

We are encouraged to listen to our hearts, our inner voices and our guts, but rarely are we encouraged to listen carefully and purposefully to 其他的人. 相反,外围十大菠菜app在鸡尾酒会上互相交谈, 工作会议,甚至家庭聚餐. 无论是在线还是面对面,都是如此 about defining yourself, shaping the narrative and staying on message…

但 people typically don’t want you to solve their problems, much less 忽略或最小化他们的感受. 他们只是想要得到认可, 理解,最重要的是接受.

如果外围十大菠菜app的 educational institutions and business organizations taught the skills of empathetic listening, if we became leaders instead of managers, if we embraced the important responsibilities of leading those in our care, we could see beyond this world of anxiety and tension to the better world 外围十大菠菜app想象并知道一切都在外围十大菠菜app的掌握之中!

外围十大菠菜app现在能做什么, 就在这一刻开始改变? 听. 给你的家人,朋友 和同事. 给你不认识的人. 对那些与众不同的人 比你还好. 扩大你的关心圈,帮助别人感受到被关心.

这是 how the revolution to end the poverty of dignity begins, with care.


鲍勃·查普曼/ 2020年11月17日
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2020年11月10日

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